
Welcome to the H.E.N. house!  This is the home for all homeschooling entrepreneurs.  Whether you are a mom or dad or one of the kids – this is the place to learn, grow, and connect with a network of other business-minded homeschoolers.


Business networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other entrepreneurs and potential customers.

The H.E.N. website creates a really unique opportunity where you can network and get to know other likeminded homeschool Christian entrepreneurs, as well as advertise (for free!) who you are and what you do to others who would love to use your services.

H.E.N. Social

Our version  of Facebook (but way more awesome!)  Designed for homeschooling entrepreneur families, the data you provide on HEN Social is safe and secure, accessible only by the site administrators (Pauline and Derek!)  You have the option of keeping your information private (viewable only by friends) or public for all to see.

With HEN Social you can:


Got questions about business or this site?  Join the discussion over on The Forum

H.E.N. Directory

List your business and be found – not only does adding your website power up your own website but it allows other Christian homeschoolers to find you.

Fill out your business to be listed on our site in a matter of minutes.

Training and Updates

Goal Setting PART 2

This is the second goal setting video in this series (see video #1 first: https://youtu.be/1JnhRbi93T0) and in this business training video we learn how to set goals (BIG and small) that drive your business forward and help you accomplish everything you set your mind to.

Goal Setting PART 1

In this first business training video we learn how to set goals that work and help you achieve all your business goals. Mindset is everything – learn how to prepare your mind to achieve your goals.


A Directory list of all Christian Homeschool Entrepreneurs

Looking to connect, network, and use services of other likeminded entrepreneurs?  Check this directory first!

And be sure to list your business.  Not only is this a great place to be found but also linking from our site helps you in search engines (if you include an address it also helps for ranking in search maps).

This directory is for Christian Homeschool Entrepreneurs only – that includes children, parents of homeschoolers, and homeschool families.  All listings will be approved by admin before being listed.



Coming Soon!